Tryouts Available for Cayuga's Fall, Winter Sports

Tryouts Available for Cayuga's Fall, Winter Sports

Students interested in competing on Cayuga Community College's fall and winter athletic teams should contact coaches as soon as possible to inquire about tryouts for the 2022-23 season.

Cayuga launched two new teams ahead of the fall semester, Clay Target and Esports. Along with those new sports, Women's Volleyball and Men's and Women's Soccer are scheduled to begin ahead of the fall semester. Men's and Women's Basketball start later in the fall semester and will run into the spring semester.

Athletic teams are open to eligible students who are taking courses at the Auburn or Fulton campuses or online. Interested students should contact coaches via email at:

Clay Target:



Men's Soccer:

Women's Soccer:

Men's Basketball:

Women's Basketball:

Interested students can also send questions to

Most of Cayuga's athletic teams compete in the Mid-State Athletic Conference and are part of Region III in the National Junior College Athletic Association. Cayuga's Esports team will compete in the SUNY Esports League and the NJCAAE League.